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Introduction to VFIO

Virtual Function I/O (VFIO) #

  • Introduced to replace the old-fashioned KVM PCI device assignment (virtio).
  • Userspace driver interface
  • Use IOMMU (AMD IOMMU, Intel VT-d, etc)
  • Full PCI interrupt, MMIO and I/O port access, PCI configuration space access support
  • Take an abstract view of a device: to support anything!

VFIO Device Filer descriptor #

  • located in /dev/vfio


  • Each divided into regions

    • Each region maps to a device resource (MMIO BAR, IO BAR, PCI configuration space)
    • Region count and information discovered through ioctl.
      Properties that can be discovered via ioctl are:
      1. VFIO_DEVICE_GET_INFO (/linux/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h:186~204)

      2. VFIO_DEVICE_GET_REGION_INFO (/linux/include/uapi/vfio.h:206~230)

      3. VFIO_DEVICE_GET_IRQ_INFO (/linux/include/uapi/vfio.h:291~333)


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    • vfio_pci_ioctl() function is implemented in /linux/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci.c:545.

VFIO-PCI Device Driver Structure #

  • Mainly focus on vfio-pci

  • Implementation is in /linux/drviers/vfio/pci. Main driver code is vfio_pci.c. This kernel module is compiled as vfio_pci, and we load the module as modprobe vfio-pci for VFIO based PCI-passthrough.

    $ sudo modprobe vfio_pci
    $ sudo vfio-bind 0000:01:00.0
    • Main kernel module file is vfio_pci.c. When Linux kernel initializes this module, vfio_pci_init() is called.

      static int __init vfio_pci_init(void) {
          // Allocate shared config space permision data used by all devices
          // Register and scan for devices
          return 0;
    • Also when loading the kernel module, vfio_pci_probe() function is called. This is a part of kernel module operation data structure static struct pci_driver vfio_pci_driver.

      static int vfio_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *pdev, const struct pci_device_id *id) {
          struct vfio_pci_device* vdev;
          vdev = kzalloc(sizeof(*vdev), GFP_KERNEL);
          vdev->pdev = pdev;
          vdev->irq_type = VFIO_PCI_NUM_IRQS;
          vfio_add_group_dev(&pdev->dev, &vfio_pci_ops, vdev);

      Here, VFIO PCI device structure is mapped topdev, which represents the actual PCI device.

    • To use VFIO, we pass a kind of parameter to QEMU, like
      -device vfio-pci,host=01:00.0,bus=root.1.addr=00.0,multifunction=on,x-vga=on
      The above option is for passing a GPU (01:00.0) to a virtual machine.

      When QEMU opens a VFIO device driver to load the device, vfio_pci_open() is called. This function is a part of operations struct static const struct vfio_device_ops vfio_pci_ops.

      static int vfio_pci_open(void *device_data)
          struct vfio_pci_device* vdev = device_data;

      A presentation says vfio-iommu-type1 works with x86 style guest mapping, but the implementation uses POWER SPAPR.

    • In probing the kernel module, vfio_pci_ops is mapped to the VFIO device. This data structure contains the following operations.

      static const struct vfio_device_ops vfio_pci_ops = {
        .name       = "vfio-pci",
        .open       = vfio_pci_open,
        .release    = vfio_pci_release,
        .ioctl      = vfio_pci_ioctl,
        .read       = vfio_pci_read,
        .write      = vfio_pci_write,
        .mmap       = vfio_pci_mmap,
        .request    = vfio_pci_request,

      Device information can be passed via vfio_pci_ioctl(), as said earlier.
      To read and write a data, vfio_pci_read() and vfio_pci_write() functions are used. These functions are wrappers of vfio_pci_rw() (/linux/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci.c:985,994).

      vfio_pci_rw() is defined right above vfio_pci_read(), which calls

      1. vfio_pci_config_rw (defined in /linux/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_config.c:1678)
      2. vfio_pci_bar_rw (defined in /linux/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_rdwr.c:116)
      3. vfio_pci_vga_rw (defined in /linux/drivers/vfio/pci/vfio_pci_rdwr.c:183)

      in terms of the index passed to the function.

      For GPU, vfio_pci_rw() is mostly called with the index 7 (=VFIO_PCI_CONFIG_REGION_INDEX) and 8 (=VFIO_PCI_VGA_REGION_INDEX). Small number of calls are done with index 0 (=VFIO_PCI_BAR0_REGION_INDEX). Note that each index can be found in /linux/include/uapi/linux/vfio.h:418.

    • After a VM starts execution, it communicates with a PCI device via QEMU (vfio_pci_read_config() and vfio_pci_write_config()) and KVM VFIO device driver (vfio_pci_rw()).

References #

  • Alex Williamson. An Introduction to PCI Device Assignment with VFIO. [Online]. Aug 2016.
  • Alex Williamson. VFIO: PCI device assignment breaks free of KVM. [Online]. 2011.