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Implementing and Using Custom Intel SGX Trusted Library

Intel SGX Trusted Library #

Trusted libraries are libraries that are linked to a SGX program, and used inside an enclave. Hence, it should follow SGX enclave restrictions to be used.
According to Intel SGX SDK document, restrictions are as follow.

  • Trusted libraries are static libraries that linked with the enclave binary.
  • This functions/objects can only be used from within the enclave. (=ECALL cannot be implemented in a library)
  • We should not link the enclave with any trusted library including C/C++ standard libraries.


I’m currently using Intel SGX Eclipse plugin to develop SGX programs. This post is about implementing a third-party Intel SGX trusted library.

Installation guide of Intel SGX Eclipse plugin is in [here].

Implementing Intel SGX Trusted Library in Eclipse #

1. Simple library template #

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In Eclipse, we can easily make a new SGX project. But different from making a normal SGX application, we select Static Library - Empty Project, instead of choosing an executable.

After making an empty project, there is nothing in it. Create a trusted SGX library template as follows.

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The structure is simple: nothing in untrusted directory, a file for ecall in static_trusted directory.

When we build it, libtrusted.sgx.static.lib.a library file and trusted_u.c/h in untrusted directory are created.

2. Implementing a function callable inside an enclave #

Just building a simple template is super easy. Then how we can add a trusted function into this trusted library?

Define and implement a function in a file with any name in static_trusted directory.

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That’s it. As it is not an ECALL, we don’t need to add the function into EDL.

3. Linking a library to a SGX application #

Now our new trusted function can be used within any enclave. Let’s link this library to an SGX application.
Making a sample SGX application is well explained in the Eclipse Help content (Help > Help Contents > Intel(R) SGX Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide in Eclipse window).

From the basic understanding of using a library, what we need is:

  • A header including the definition of the function (static_trusted/another_trusted.h)
  • A binary library file that is linked (libtrusted.sgx.static.lib.a)

Add this information into the makefile for an application enclave.

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Call a trusted function inside an ecall function. A result is as follows.

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